Thursday, October 04, 2007

sound the alarum! (things nobody is talking about)

1) the number of serious accidents on the 400 series highways seems to have dramatically increased this year. Why is no one talking about a possible correlation with the new regulations for truckers allowing them to be on the road for longer without a rest?

2) the Canadian dollar is now on PAR with the US dollar. When was the last time this happened? In the 70s, - 77, I believe - just before the (first) major North American oil shortage.

3) Workopolis is really dragging its feet when it comes to its recruiting customers: long downtimes, lots of technical problems, job posting errors, site inaccessibility, and all for at least the last 9 months - could this be a plot to try to get some of these firms to drop the service so that Workopolis can back away from the backlash of users complaining the site is too agency-saturated?