Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Zen and the Art of Cardiovascular Maintenance

So maybe five weeks ago I started running. Jen told me that a while back David Suzuki appeared naked on the cover of Maclean's or Time or something, and that when interviewed he said he has started running by going till he was tired, then walking till he could run again, and back and forth, never pushing too hard, and eventually he could run a long way. So I tried it. A month ago I was running just over 3km walking and running in about equal parts. This past Saturday I ran 5 kms straight! In fact, I ran between 3 and 5kms every day last week, while we were out in PEI on vacation. Got very Zen about it - get up run, shower, have breakfast - something very calming about the rhythmicness of it and the space to get a clear head and not think about much but the next step. Getting fairly addicted in fact.

Oh, and for the record, while all the running mags and clubs (with their endorsement deals) say to spend a small mint on good running shoes, we got me some Dr. Scholl's from WalMart for $30 or something, and they are working out really well. Feet do not hurt at all. Take that, Runner's World.