Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Little Seahorse


just a short word: BABY.

yes. we're having one.

In October.



see the little hand and fingers and head and facial features? this is at FOURTEEN weeks!


Monday, May 01, 2006

The Corners of my Mind (part II)

Having said the memories popping into my head are generally unpleasant, this one in fact isn't, though I suppose it comes with a measure of guilt:

When I was managing /working at the Gorilla Monsoon in downtown TO the year after my last year @ Humber, I met a nice girl - we'll call her Lanocaine - who was extremely flirty and very cute and to whom, though I was living with my girlfriend @ the time, I was seriously attracted. The memory that came up over the weekend was that she and I were talking one day about Ottawa, because she was going to go up there for the weekend for a friend, and I ordered them to go to Piccolo Grande and try their passionfruit gelato. The stuff is unbelievable - probably my favourite taste in the entire world. And so she did. And then, somehow, she brought me back an entire litre of the stuff. All the way from *Ottawa.* Man I was impressed - think of the forethought and planning!