Friday, November 25, 2005

All Are Equal in the Eyes of Blog


I have decided that from now on all my email subject lines will read like headlines:
"Husband Wants Stew for Supper"
"Musician Announces New Gig"
"Blogging Levels the Social Playing Field"

...this last one was written to my wife Jen when I discovered that a certain Mr. Rick Mercer has his own blog, and seems to keep it fairly regularly updated. Wild. It's not a even a particularly well-put-together blog, but it is definitely his, it's smart and sassy, and it even has en email address for him. I found this out by Googling "Rick Mercer for Prime Minister," which I think more and more is the best idea ever.

In fact, I think I may spoil my ballot.

Why the hell should I vote Conservative just because the Liberals have screwed up? If anything, I think ther Liberals should be forced to stay in office to clean up their mess. We all get better at things when we've had a chance to really learn from our mistakes; that's not even Grace, really - it's more like a form os Justice. What are we teaching our politicians by letting them throw out anyone who screws up? Sets quite the precedent. We may have a system that's better than the US's two-party deal, but we don't really have choices... the NDP are the only other ones even close, and we all know they'll never get into office... not that I particularly want Jack Layton as Prime Minister anyway.

So I think Rick Mercer should run as an independent... or maybe start the Citizens' Party of Canada, and we should all vote for him. I'm going to start by making one T-Shirt and wearing it to my next gig.

Next, instead of spoiling my ballot, I'll be doing some research about how to get Rick on the ballot for the new year. I'm looking through some Elections Canada stuff, and I'll get back to you soon...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

We're coming to your next show...'d better make good on your threats...

10:43 AM  
Blogger BT said...

I must apologize. said shirt never got made. freaked when cable 14 said they were coming and decided to go all spiff. also realized a grey shirt (on which this would have been made) would show sweat. and I sweat like a horse when I play (went through 3L of Gatorade on the gig!). So. sorry to disappoint!

11:55 AM  

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