Wednesday, November 23, 2005

floating in the ether

was in a haze till about 10:30 this morning, when I had my first cup of coffee, so I can't remember what got me thinking about Cuban cum Canadian trumpeter Alexis Baro, but I found this article.

...I remember the day Alexis Baro arrived from Cuba. My quintet, Outside the Lines, was playing at the Gorilla Monsoon on Queen St in Toronto, where I was working. We were finishing up for the night and this kid with his trumpet sort of quietly asked if he could sit in for a tune, and we said sure. I blew first, and then he did. It was unbelievable. He blew me right off the stage and through the back door. He was SO fiery and had such amazing chops. almost gave up playing right then and there.

So I don't know if I have what it takes to make it in music. This'll sound absurd to anyone who knows me, but I don't think I work hard enough. I'm not doing enough music for it to stick. See that part of the article where it says that those guys quit jobs that were getting in the way of their music? That's a luxury I simply don't have... mortgage, bills, line of credit... what the hell am I going to do with my life?

And having a very hard time getting my diploma from Humber, let alone my degree... seems they're missing grades that at one point they were not, and I don't know how to deal with that. They also just recently said they didn't know whether all my courses @ Mac and York would necessarily cover the requisite GenEds @ Humber, which at one stage I was assured would not be a problem... so I'm pretty exasperated by all that. What happens if I can't get my degree? Will I be stuck in plebian jobs the rest of my life? Are there not music jobs akin to working as a consultant for Sun Life or recruiting for an Engineering Staffing Company? There must be, but I have no idea what they are... retail? sucks. working for a big label? sellout. working for a little label? no security, no benefits... argh.


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