Thursday, August 10, 2006

The Corners of my Mind (part III)

...was just reading over past posts, and realized there are a couple of significant memories that pop up all the time that I have not yet committed to blog.

the first is really mortifying, which is perhaps why it plagues me:

in college, my girlfriend and I had some people over for dinner, and just before we ate I let out the most enormous fart. You could almost taste it. I apologized motifi-ed-ly and ran to the bathroom and got matches, while all other diners sat in catatonic silence. The way I remember it, though, it seems like everything slowed down, and almost like our two guests didn't notice at all, which simply is *not* possible unless they were really high or something, and in fact that's a distinct probability. So whenever this memory (/nightmare) crops up, I try to console myself with the idea that our guests were too far gone to notice anything.

a boy can dream.

I also regularly have a number of driving incident flashbacks, whereby I got in way way too deep with some insanely aggressive driver or another on the highway (NB yes, this has happened more than once) and I realize I was probably moments away from getting shot or rammed or something similarly horrible. In fact, in many of those cases, I'm not sure why something really awful didn't happen.



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