Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Truthiness is everywhere

so... prior to expounding my uber-spiritual thoughts on the verses I mentioned, I thought maybe I'd start a new series. It will be a series based on the idea that you can always find solid evidence to back up almost any theory or story. In the last year I've decided that arguing with people who disagree wholeheartedly with you is completely futile: all that happens is that you both walk away feeling great about how right you are and how stupid they are. The best example of this is the vicious ongoing debate online between Republicans and Democrats. Just have a look when you have a minute. In fact, try Googling, "Steven Colbert" +correspondents +truthiness and you'll get very strong reactions (on both sides) to a recent speech Colbert.

and so, in that spirit of futility, I'm going to try to semi-regularly post stories about things we didn't know were true. Like how megadoses of coffee actually ward of a variety of serious diseases (I really like this one)...


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